Shockwave Therapy, what is it and why did we decide to add it to our modalities at Deep Physio? I first heard of Shockwave therapy when I worked in the UK but never had the chance to use it. It was a modality I heard worked very well in chronic conditions and started to look into it after I was noticing some of my clinical results. If you have ever been a client at Deep Physio, you would know that we look at function, and the body as a whole when assessing the injury. We believe in finding the driver of the problem using our assessment skills, and then treating the movement dysfunction with specific protocols and hands on therapy. We use the K laser for acute healing and pain, which has demonstrated amazing results. In more chronic conditions such as chronic tendinopathy or plantar fasciitis, they are more difficult to treat, as they have been present for much longer and now have a chronic pathology. We still believe in correcting the dysfunction to what is causing the issue in the first place, but if there is chronic calcium build up, the patient inevitably ends up going for cortisone injections or surgery. This is where I started to research the shockwave and referred some patients for the treatment, in which I saw great results! Shockwave is not for everyone and it is not the ‘cure’ to the issues. At Deep Physio, we will use the shockwave in conjunction with the rest of our knowledge, hands on therapy, and expertise to further treat the chronic pathology and possibly prevent surgery and/or ongoing physiotherapy.
– If you think that Shockwave is an option for you speak with your clinician or call the clinic.
– You will have a initial assessment to see if it is a good option for you
– Minimum treatment is three sessions one week apart – Max sessions 5-6
– In Canada, there are minimal clinics who have both a Shockwave and a Class 4 laser! We are excited that Deep Physio is one of them! We customized a protocol that uses both modalities, as the laser will improve the healing of the area that we are bringing to an acute state with the Shockwave.
– 30 minute session – Shockwave and active therapy. Once we apply the Shockwave Therapy, we are bringing the area back to a venerable acute state. This is PRIME for us to work on proper functional movement to help the new scar tissue make a healthy scar.
– 15 min session – The following day after the Shockwave treatment, you will come into the clinic for a quick laser treatment over the area to promote healing.
– When the sessions are completed, and the pain and range are improved, we start to re strengthen the area and promote functional strength to prevent the reoccurrence of the injury.
Click on the link below to read more information on the use of Shockwave and what it is good for!
Call the clinic for more information – 250 782 3676 or [email protected] 🙂
We are always increasing our knowledge as as team, and researching to bring the best therapies to the clinic and community!
Jordana Moxon
Co-owner Deep Physio
Lead Physiotherapist